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Show #32/365 – XCAT RACING – 27.11.15

777 0

Show #32/365 – XCAT RACING – 27.11.15

777 0 Abu Dhabi Marina hosted the final round of the XCat World Championship. Beefy, Rob and Mika Hakkinen were there for all the action.

Show #14/365 – POLE DANCING – 6.11.15

1.22K 0

Show #14/365 – POLE DANCING – 6.11.15

1.22K 0 Beefy & Rob were asked if they would like to cover the Australia National Doubles Pole Dancing Championships. After clearing their schedules in record time, they head... – Eritrea ball sport??

1.22K 0 – Eritrea ball sport??

1.22K 0


Melton Gold Cup Powerboat Racing 2012

930 0

Melton Gold Cup Powerboat Racing 2012

930 0

The final of the Melton Gold Cup Powerboat Race, held at Melton Reservoir on Feb 5th 2012

Show #58/365 – CYCLOCROSS – 20.12.15

1.05K 0

Show #58/365 – CYCLOCROSS – 20.12.15

1.05K 0 The last race of the Cyclocross season before Christmas is always held in Belgium. The Belgians absolutely love it, hence why over 20,000 spectators turned out to see the...