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Show #6/365 – PINBALL – 31.10.15

819 0

Show #6/365 – PINBALL – 31.10.15

819 0 Rob & Beefy we're guests at the PAX Australia Convention. At the Convention there was an IFPA World Ranking Tournament. We were there to witness the action first hand...

Show #5/365 – HARNESS RACING – 29.10.15

822 0

Show #5/365 – HARNESS RACING – 29.10.15

822 0 Kilmore Racing Club hosted Rob & Beefy to a night of Harness Racing. Rob even got to ride in the starter's mobile. For more information on Harness Racing Racing - ...

Show #4/365 – TRUGO – 29.10.15

985 0

Show #4/365 – TRUGO – 29.10.15

985 0 Beefy & Rob went to have a look at one of Melbourne's indigenous sports, Trugo. Invented by railwaymen in the 1920s, teams still compete in the Victorian Trugo Associ...

Show #3/365 – ARCHERY – 27.10.15

839 0

Show #3/365 – ARCHERY – 27.10.15

839 0 Beefy & Rob headed east to Morwell for the Australian National Archery Championships.

Show #2/365 – NETBALL – 25.10.15

1.07K 0

Show #2/365 – NETBALL – 25.10.15

1.07K 0 Beefy & Rob went to watch the Netball Test Match between Australia and New Zealand in the Constellation Cup, held at Hisense Arena in Melbourne in front of a sell-out...