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Show #4/365 – TRUGO – 29.10.15

985 0

Show #4/365 – TRUGO – 29.10.15

985 0 Beefy & Rob went to have a look at one of Melbourne's indigenous sports, Trugo. Invented by railwaymen in the 1920s, teams still compete in the Victorian Trugo Associ...

Show #35/365 – GYROCOPTERS – 1.12.15

899 0

Show #35/365 – GYROCOPTERS – 1.12.15

899 0 The first day of competition at The World Air Games in Dubai saw the Gyrocopters take to the air.

Show #67/365 – HAXEY HOOD – 6.1.16

3.00K 0

Show #67/365 – HAXEY HOOD – 6.1.16

3.00K 0 Haxey Hood has been played in the village of Haxey for 700 years. The quest to sway the "hood" to the punters' preferred pub of choice reigns strong and Beefy and Rob wer...

New Zealand Speedway GP – Bunyan gets a point!

967 0

New Zealand Speedway GP – Bunyan gets a point!

967 0

Jason Bunyan gets a point in a Grand Prix?

Show #15/365 – MOUNTAIN BIKE ORIENTEERING – 7.11.15

1.26K 0

Show #15/365 – MOUNTAIN BIKE ORIENTEERING – 7.11.15

1.26K 0 Anglesea in Victoria held the Australian Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships. Riders from all over Australia, New Zealand and even France competed for National honours.